Plenary and invited speakers
Jarkko, Rissanen Anna (VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, Finland)
MOEMS spectrometer technology for gas sensing”
Wei Wong (Columbia University, USA) Plenary
“Controlling photons in mesoscopic
systems: precision measurements in frequency combs and optomechanics”
Koos (Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie, Germany)
"Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH)
technology: A platform for efficient electro-optical devices"
Fumio Koyama (Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Japan)
engineering of VCSELs based on MEMS technologies"
Hiroshi Toshiyoshi1,
Zhengli Han1, Kenta Kohno1, Tomi Haatainen2 (2VTT Microsystems
and Nanoelectronics, Finland), Tapio
Makela2, Hiroyuki Fujita1, Kazuhiko Hirakawa1 (1The
University of Tokyo, Japan)
MEMS tunable split-ring-resonators for THz filter applications”
Hyung Choi (Samsung
Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics) Plenary
“Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics in Samsung
Iwata (Kyoto University, Japan)
“Cell LEGO” (tentative)
Jun Ohta (Nara
Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
micro CMOS imaging devices for biomedical applications”
Blair (University of Utah, USA)
devices for optical neural interfaces” (tentative)
Bardinal (CNRS ; LAAS & Université de Toulouse,
Optical MEMS integrated on VCSELs for biosensing”
Vladimir Aksyuk (National
Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)
“MEMS and NEMS with Integrated Cavity Optomechanical Readout” (tentative)
Now under selection